Bremen Conbadge

bremenbadge_wm[ reblog on tumblr ]

I bought a fixer-upper fursuit from KemonoCloud/Dieg/Gutsy. on FA that I’ll be picking up at Anthrocon 2015.  His original name was “Diego” but I feel like with a new owner the suit needs a new name.  So meet Bremen, named after the folktale “Town Musicians of Bremen.”  Part of the tale is that the animals involved are past their prime and usefulness on their respective farms, so I thought it’d be fitting for a pre-owned fursuit.

Badge is done in a more of a Disney style, since Bremen’s full name is Bremen Burrito after the Burrito of flying burro fame.  And I just like how early Disney drew donkeys.

Excited to get in dat ass.


2015. Adobe Photoshop CS6; Paint Tool Sai; Wacom Cintiq 22HD; Original is 1496 x 1900 px.

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